Let’s talk about money

Our coaching relationships live in multiple dimensions, in many of which, money is not used or does not have the ubiquitous role and influence it has in the dimension and at the time when you are reading this.

In this dimension and time, where our coaching relationships also live, money is consensually accepted and used as a quasi-universal value meter for most things that can be named in dominant languages, and as a standard remuneration tool, including in exchange for the gifts of time, expertise, or support, which are considered to be transactional. 

In exchange for our time, expertise, and support in this dimension, we gladly and gratefully receive and accept amounts of money that feel appropriate and fair for our clients and for us. We coach individuals, groups, and communities of varied financial means and needs, and we use a sliding fee scale so all of them can benefit from our coaching at a price that fits in their capacity at a given time.

You can choose one of the two contractual formats that we offer, Per-Session or Retainer.

Retainer Format

A monthly retainer fee covers:

  • Up to two 50-minute video-conferencing sessions(*) usually scheduled from one to four weeks in advance;

  • Quasi-unlimited (within reasonable limits) text and voice messaging to your coach, currently via WhatsApp, Signal, or Threema. Your coach will usually reply within 72 hours via voice or text messaging.

(*) Additional 50-minute video sessions can be scheduled at a preferential price (see Sliding Fee Scale below.)

Per-Session Format

Sessions are held on Zoom for about 50 minutes each, usually scheduled from one to four weeks in advance.

Sliding Fee Scale

The scale below is a general reference that you can use to start thinking of how much you want to pay for your coaching sessions with us, but we recognize that it may or may not resonate with you. When we talk with you about our coaching relationship and agreements, we will discuss this to find the optimal price for you and us.

If this scale relatively resonates with you and you place yourself at Level 5 or 6, we invite you to ask yourself how high you can reasonably go, even above your level, considering that your additional monies will allow more people in Levels 1 and 2 to benefit from this coaching as much as you do. 

“You can choose to expand your awareness and embrace the Great Shift of Consciousness, or not, and that's okay.”


Level 6

Consider paying this fee if:

Your debt is a way for you to create capital and increase your financial worth.

$1000 or more per month retainer

$600 or more per 50 minute individual session

Level 5

Consider paying this fee if:

You can afford extras without thinking much about it; You have debt but you are not concerned about it.

$500- $1000 per month retainer

$300- $600 per 50 minute individual session

Level 4

Consider paying this fee if:

You are able to have your basic needs met, and you can afford extras from time to time;

You are able to increase your savings over time; You are able to maintain your debt in a sustainable way.

$250- $500 per month retainer

$150- $300 per 50 minute individual session

Level 3

Consider paying this fee if:

You are usually able to make ends meet, but occasionally experience financial stress;

You may sometimes be able to save a little, but then you have to dig in your savings to stay afloat.

$150- $250 per month retainer

$100- $150 per 50 minute individual session

Level 2

Consider paying this fee if:

You are often struggling to make ends meet; You are often behind on bill payments.

$75- $150 per month retainer

$50- $100 per 50 minute individual session

Level 1

Consider paying this fee if:

You are not able to save any money; An unexpected health or financial demand would

be disastrous on your access to housing or food.

$30- $75 per month retainer

$20- $50 per 50 minute individual session

“You know more than what you are told to believe.”