About Djalòki

Konesans Coaching is an expression of Djalòki's spiritual calling to invite his fellow spirits in human forms to respond to the Great Invitation, which includes remembering who we are, how we are connected with each other and with everything else, and reclaiming, together, good spirited humanity on an intentional awareness expansion journey.

As your Awareness Expansion Coach℠, Djalòki will help you:

  • expand your awareness of the many dimensions of reality beyond space, time, and matter as known in the current dominant worldview, and of the subtle (or intense) energies and spiritual Beings in your life;

  • articulate that awareness within or beyond your current cultural worldview, and develop skills, attitudes, and behaviors that foster (re)connections with consciousness within yourself, in others, in humanity, on and in earth, in the universe, in spirit, and beyond.

Djalòki will invite you, and guide you in the exploration of the potential energy that exists within your daily experience, your connections, your story, your awareness, and your choices. He will (usually gently) push you toward the frontiers of your consciousness and your soul knowingness and power.

Doing so brings your life and his into closer connection and alignment with both your and his spiritual essence, purposes, and missions, and contributes to the emergence of a good-spirited humanity.

You are Awareness

are you aware of this?

“What we call reality is a dream; our experience of the dream is real.”