Your all-knowing self is communicating with you right now; are you paying attention?

What is Awareness Expansion Coaching℠?

Awareness Expansion Coaching℠ is a multidimensional conversation (via in-person or live video calls, asynchronous voice and text messages, and other modalities) aimed at helping you develop your awareness of who you are in essence, of the process of your spiritual growth, and of the current and potential gifts you can offer to people around you and beyond.

Awareness Expansion Coaching℠ may help you develop your own konesans.

Your coach will be deeply listening to you and to their own insights, and will offer thoughts, perspectives, questions, and possible practices for your consideration. If you have clear goals that you want this conversation to help you achieve, your coach will work with you in that direction. However, you don't need to have clear goals to start an Awareness Expansion Coaching℠ conversation; you may simply have some questions you want to explore, or a feeling that this form of coaching may bring value to your life. The initial (free) chat with your coach is mainly aimed at helping you and your coach assess whether Awareness Expansion Coaching℠ can appropriately respond to your needs and intention, and whether your coach and you are a mutually appropriate fit at that time.

What AEC℠ is not

Awareness Expansion Coaching℠ does not claim to produce any identifiable results in your life. In particular, Awareness Expansion Coaching℠ is not meant to address any health issues, whether physical, mental, or psycho-emotional. Those should be addressed with the appropriate licensed healthcare specialists. You may decide to bring health issues as informational data during your conversation with your coach, but your coach is not responsible nor accountable for any effects or lack thereof of your coaching process on your mental, emotional, or physical health situation.

“The veils between dimensions are thinning while the cracks within this dimension are widening. Where will you choose to go?”